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1、第2期外研新标准广东版高二试题详解参考答案及解析1-5 DABBA 6-10 BDCDD 11-15 BBACD 16-20 CAGDF21-25 CBACD 26-30 DCADC 31-35 AABBC 36-40 DADBD41. why42. excuses 43. grew44. to put45. acting 46. a47.easily48. possibility49. them 50. in短文改错书面表达Dear Sirs/Madams, I would like to apply for the position of a part-time waiter as adv

2、ertised in the newspaper. I am a student studying at Senior High school. As the summer vacation is coming, Im available during the week. I hope to get a job to help me gain some social experience and enrich my life. I once worked as a waiter for three months at a bar in my spare time, so Im sure the

3、 working experience will qualify me for the position. Im outgoing, friendly as well as helpful, which I think will help me a lot in dealing with different customers. Besides, I can play the piano and it can surely build up a warmer atmosphere. I would be available for an interview at any time and Im

4、 looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully,Li Hua【文章大意】本文介绍了四家位于布宜诺斯艾利斯的宾馆。1. D。细节理解题。根据Querido下方内容“Queridos convenient location means Palermo Soho is a short walk away.”可知,Querido与Palermo Soho之间隔着很近的步行距离,即离得近。由此可知,如果你想去参观Palermo Soho,你最好选择住在Querido。2. A。细节理解题。根据Tango de Mayo下方内容“A huge makeov

5、er changed this former sewing machine factory in Monserrat into a 59-room hotel.”可知,一次大改造把这个位于Monserrat的前缝纫机厂变成了一家有59个房间的宾馆。由此可知,Tango de Mayo曾经不是一个宾馆。3. B。综合理解题。根据Querido下方内容“This cheerful seven-room town house.”、Home hotel下方内容“Design and comfort are key at this 20-room hotel.”、Tango de Mayo下方内容“.a

6、 59-room hotel.”和La Querencia B&B下方内容“A sunny courtyard is home to two rooms, while the other two are set back from the street.”可知,Querido有7个房间,Home hotel有20个房间,Tango de Mayo有59个房间,La Querencia B&B有4个房间,由此可知答案。【文章大意】顾客点餐后突发疾病,在车中昏厥。麦当劳店员及时跳出窗户进行抢救,救人于危难。4. B。细节理解题。根据第二段“.when Viloria returned to the

7、 window to give the driver her food, she was no longer breathing. She seemed to be making jerking movements.Two children seated in the back of the SUV started to shout as the car moved away, and Viloria quickly jumped through the window.”可知,当Viloria回到窗口准备把餐递给顾客的时候,这名顾客已经没有呼吸了。她好像在抽搐。车开始移动,坐在车后座的两个小孩

8、儿开始大叫,Viloria立即跳出窗户。由此可知,在发现车中的警官有危险之后,Viloria立刻跳出了窗户。5. A。细节理解题。根据第三段“As Viloria is already known as a standout employee, his actions did not surprise his boss or other workers.”可知,由于Viloria已经是公认的杰出雇员,他的行为并没有令他的老板和同事感到惊讶。由此可知,Viloria的行为没有使老板和同事惊讶是因为他的杰出品格是众所周知的。6. B。细节理解题。根据第三段“First and the most i

9、mportant is that our thoughts and wishes are with the officer and her family during this difficult time.”可知,Alex Menendez说,首先并且最重要的是,在这个艰难的时刻,他们的思绪和祝福在陪伴着这名警官和她的家人。由此可知,Alex Menendez说他们最关心的是这名警官和她的家庭。7. D。推理判断题。根据第一段“.an off-duty police officer.”和最后一段内容可知,这名警官没有在执勤;在得知他救的这名顾客真的是一名警察之后,Viloria感到很震惊。由

10、此可推知,这名警官当时没穿制服。【文章大意】本文介绍了Otherlab正在开发的一种单程无人机。它主要由硬纸板制成,材料可降解,而且装配简单,价格低廉。8. C。细节理解题。根据第一段“However, they are expensive to mass produce and often require special launch pads to launch and land safely.”可知,传统无人机大规模生产时会很昂贵,而且需要特殊的发射台进行发射和降落。由此可知,传统无人机的缺点之一是需要特殊的发射台。9. D。细节理解题。根据第二段“The best thing is A

11、PSARAs easy assemblage that takes only 30 minutes.”可知,APSARA无人机最好的一点是装配时间只需30分钟。10. D。推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,制作APSARA无人机用的硬纸板是可分解的;为了使电子零件也能够分解,Otherlab希望借用DARPA的技术。这种技术可以使配件自我销毁。由此可推知,Otherlab正努力使APSARA无人机尽可能环保。11. B。标题判断题。本文介绍了Otherlab正在开发一种单程无人机。这种无人机由硬纸板制成,价格低廉,装配简单而且环保。由此可知,B项最适合作文章标题。【文章大意】日本一家公司推出了一

12、种提供“假朋友”的服务。客户可以在其网站上购买自己心仪的假朋友与自己拍摄合照,然后将照片上传到自己的社交软件上来使自己显得有很多朋友或者生活得很开心。12. B。细节理解题。根据第一段“A Japanese company will happily send some fake friends to you for taking some fun photos.”可知,一家日本公司很乐意给你派去一些假朋友跟你拍摄欢乐的照片。由此可知,你购买了Real Appeal 服务的假朋友之后,公司会提供一些人跟你合照。13. A。推理判断题。根据第二段“People can then post thes

13、e pictures on their social media pages to show everyone how fun their life is, without anyone knowing its all a paid-for illusion.”可知,客户可以把照片上传到他们的社交媒体主页上,来向每个人展示自己的生活多有趣,而任何人都不会知道这些朋友其实都是付费的假象。由此可推知,如果你和你的朋友都购买了这项服务,那么为了不穿帮,你们的假朋友不可能是同一个人。14. C。推理判断题。根据第三段“Depending on what goal people are trying t

14、o achieve, they can request fake friends of a certain age, gender and physical traits, and make their final choice from a lot of employee photos on the company website.”可知,基于不同的目的,客户可以对假朋友的年龄、性别和身体特征提出特定要求,然后从公司网站上大量的员工照片中做出最终的选择。由此可推知,Real Appeal有一个庞大的数据库供客户挑选假朋友。15. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段“You can buy as m

15、any fake friends as you need, as long as you agree to do it for at least two hours and pay 8,000 yen ($71) per fake friend. Whatever other cost your fake friends need (travel, hotel stays, drinks, etc.) isnt included.”可知,你需要多少假朋友就可以买多少,只要你同意接受至少两个小时的服务并且支付每个假朋友8000日元的服务费。你的假朋友所需的任何其他花费都没有包括在内。由此可知,三

16、个假朋友的两小时服务,需要24,000日元。16. C。根据下文“Researchers measured how disagreeable the students were and their ability to come up with original ideas.”可知,研究者衡量这些学生的性格有多不讨喜,和他们想出原创点子的能力。由此可知,在研究的第一部分中,200名学生参与了一系列性格测试。17. A。根据上文“Then each participant spent 10 minutes creating a unique marketing campaign for the online campus of their university.”可知,然后每



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