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1、第3期外研新标准广东版高二试题详解参考答案及解析1-5 ABBAB 6-10 DCBCC 11-15 DCCDA 16-20 GEFBD 21-25 CBADA 26-30 CBDAC 31-35 BDACB 36-40 DACBD 41. of42. but 43. happiness 44.bigger45. broken46. them47. took 48. easily49. What50. Sharing短文改错书面表达Many wonderful movies are based on famous literature works, among which I like Har

2、ry Potter best.On the one hand, I like Harry Potter movies because I admire Harrys bravery and wisdom. Faced with so many difficulties, Harry doesnt escape or complain. Instead, he tries his best to overcome these difficulties. Besides, Harry seeks justice and fights against evil. With the help of h

3、is friends, Harry wins one victory after another. On the other hand, I like the movies because of the special effects of these movies. When seeing the movie, I feel shocked by the lifelike scenes. I believe Harry Potter movies are worth seeing. 【文章大意】美国俄亥俄州的四胞胎同时被哈佛耶鲁大学录取。1. A。推理判断题。根据第一段“Quadruplet

4、 brothers in Ohio have all been accepted into two Ivy league universities Yale and Harvard, as well as other top universities in the country. Aaron was also accepted into two other Ivy League schools Brown University and University of Pennsylvania.”可知,美国俄亥俄州一家四胞胎兄弟同时被哈佛和耶鲁两所常青藤联谊会大学录取,除此之外,也有国内其他顶级院

5、校向他们抛来了橄榄枝。四兄弟之一Aaron还被美国布朗大学和宾夕法尼亚大学等另外两所常青藤大学录取。由此可推知,四胞胎兄弟非常优秀。2. B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“We couldnt have done on our own without all the support from our parents and our school. They are great.Its really our parents and our school who have come together and taught us how to be disciplined.”可知,如果没有父母和学校给

6、予他们的支持和帮助,凭他们一己之力是无法办到的。是他们的父母、及学校教会他们如何自律。由此可推知,四胞胎兄弟非常感谢他们的父母和学校。3. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段“There has never been a time in our life whenever we said something (career goals) they said oh thats a big goal. They said I know you guys can do it. You guys are hard workers and the skys the limit.”可知,从小到大,四胞胎兄弟从来

7、没有听他们父母说过“你们的目标定得太大了”这种话,他们一直在说:“我相信你们可以做到。你们要努力加油,才会前途无量。”由此可推知,父母总是鼓励兄弟四人。【文章大意】文章介绍了唐宋文学编年地图火了,看这份地图,你能了解唐宋时期中国哪里才人辈出,哪里留下了最多名言佳句,还能对李白、杜甫、苏轼等著名诗人一生的迁徙轨迹一目了然,并一步步点开沿途那些美好的诗句,跟着诗人去旅行。4. A。细节理解题。根据第一段“I think its wonderful. What a shame that I discovered that many Tang poets had been to more places

8、 than I have, Tan Hao, a media worker said.”可知,谭浩认为这个主意非常棒。当他发现许多唐代诗人比他去过的地方都要多时,感觉到很惭愧!5. B。细节理解题。根据第三段“Yu Shicun, .once came up with a similar idea, so he was surprised that someone actually managed to make it a reality.”可知,Yu也曾提出过类似的想法,他惊讶于真的有人能将其变成现实。6. D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“the map can also attract t

9、he foreigners interest. This type of map can actually help foreigners realize the achievements and stories of our ancestors, and also can help them know spirit of these cities.”可知,该地图还能够吸引外国人的兴趣,可以帮助外国人了解古代人的成就和故事及这些城市的精神。由此可推知,该地图可以帮助外国人更好地了解中国。7. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段“Wang explained that the project took

10、 five years and over 100 history experts took part in the project.”可知,Wang解释说该地图耗时5年,大概有100多位历史专家参与其中。由此可推知,完成该地图人们付出了很多努力。【文章大意】周边的商业和旅游业的快速发展,使得洱海的环境承载力不堪重负,政府决定停业进行环保治理。8. B。词义猜测题。根据第一段“Hundreds of restaurants and guesthouses around a well-known lake in Yunnan province have stopped business for t

11、he construction of a project to protect the ecological environment.”、第二段“after the government announced the decision on March 31 that a project would be constructed,”及第三段“The decision to stop businesses was made as the rapid development of the local economy,.has brought great pressure on the environ

12、mental carrying ability.”可知,云南洱海附近的数百家餐饮客栈因为一项保护生态环境的项目已经暂停营业了。政府决定建设该项目是因为快速发展的地方经济已经给环境的承受能力带来了极大压力。该决定发布后,洱海附近的服务设施暂停营业。由此可知,画线词意为“中止,暂停”。9. C。细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,该地政府日前做出整治决定,主要是因为当地经济的快速发展,其中包括旅游业的快速发展,大量的旅客涌入洱海,已经给环境的承受能力带来了极大压力。当地政府称必须采取措施控制可能会变得越来越严重的情况。由此可知,大理的经济发展已经影响了环境。10. C。推理判断题。根据第六、七段内容可

13、知,当地一居民2014年大学毕业后在洱海湖畔开了家旅店,由于该工程他不得不向已经预订的189名旅客沟通解释;另一位商主除了等待不知道该怎么办;还有一些商主失去了收入来源,他们是借钱做生意,同时他们很担心偿还债务。由此可推知,由于该整治工程使得一些商主面临一些困难。11. D。标题判断题。根据文章第一段“Hundreds of restaurants and guesthouses.have stopped business for the construction of a project to protect the ecological environment.”及倒数第二段内容可知,洱海

14、湖畔的数百家餐饮客栈因为一项保护生态环境的项目建设已经停业了。由于停业整治环境,保护生态的工程使得商业主们受损失。【文章大意】三位来自不同国家的留学生毕业后办起了一家住房租赁中介公司,为留学生提供住房租赁服务。12. C。细节理解题。根据第三段“A year after graduating from universities separately, the three men realized that there was a business opportunity. They came up with a plan to create an online market offering

15、students accommodation.”可知,三人毕业后看到了商机,创建了Uniplaces网站,该网站主要是为留学生提供住宿服务。13. C。细节理解题。根据第四段“We picked Lisbon as it is a low cost, good location and has a famous university around the world, Lisbon University Institute, located in the centre of Lisbon, which attracts more and more international students.

16、”可知,三人选择里斯本是因为成本低、位置好和吸引越来越多国际留学生的著名里斯本大学。14. D。计算题。根据倒数第二段“Students using Uniplaces pay one months rent Uniplaces takes a service fee of 20-25% of the students first months rent.”可知,学生通过网站提前付给房东一个月的房租,该网站会收取学生交付头一月房租20-25%的服务费。由此可知,如果Jack头一个月房租是120英镑,那么该网站会收取24-30英镑的服务费。15. A。推理判断题。根据第四段“The Uniplaces website.with only 50 properties in the Portuguese capital


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