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1、七年级(下)英语Unit 2 教学案Travelling around the worldClass_ Name_一 Reading 学案 一、根据reading的内容填上所缺单词,使意思完整。 France is in Western E_. It is a country with many beautiful places. Paris is the capital of F_. Here you will find many famous p_ o_ i_ such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and the Champs-Elysee

2、s. This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department s_. France is very famous for its w_. There are many vineyards in the c_ of France and farmers grow grapes to make e_ French wine. The s_ of France lies on the c_, so it is famous for its wonderful beaches. A French town by th

3、e sea is the p_ place for a summer holiday, but if you p_ to visit France in winter, you can try s_ on the mountains in the French Alps.France has something for everyone, so why _ _ France this year?二、翻译下列词组。1.去度假_2.去观光_3.尝试做某事_4.西欧_5.的首都_6.为什么不(做).呢?_7.因为.而出名_8.作为.而闻名_9.例如_ 10.在.的中部_11. 名胜古迹_ 12.更喜

4、欢做某事_13.在海边_ 14. 在海岸上_三、 根据中文在原文中找出相应的句子并抄在下面的横线上。1.它是一个有着许多美丽地方的国家。 _2.在这里你将会发现许多名胜古迹,例如埃菲尔铁塔。 _3.如果你喜欢艺术,你可以去卢浮宫。 _4.如果你想逛商店和百货公司,那(香榭丽舍大街)就是你一定要去的地方了。 _ _5.法国因美酒而著名。 _6.法国的一个海滨小镇是度暑假的绝好地方。 _7.但是如果你更喜欢在冬天去法国,你可以在法属阿尔卑斯山上尝试滑雪。 _ _8.每一个人都能在法国找到自己喜欢的事物,所以何不今年就去法国旅游呢? _ _四、重点词组和句型 一、语言点讲练1. It is a co

5、untry with many beautiful places. _ 是个介词,表示“有,拥有”, 一般放在名词后,做后置短语。广州是一个有很多花的城市。 _2. Paris is the capital of France. 1).是.的首都/省会:_ 北京市中国的首都。_ 广州市是广东的省会城市。_ 2)法国:_ 法国的:_ 法国人:_ 那个法国人在法国买了一辆法国车。 The _ bought a _ car in _. 3) 德国:_ 德国的:_ 德国人:_ 他住在德国,每天能见到很多德国人,因此他能讲一点德语。 He lives in _ and can see many _, s

6、o he can speak a little _.3. Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower. 1)名胜古迹:_ 2)例如:_ 你在北京可以游览很多名胜古迹,比如天安门和长城。 _4. France is very famous for its wine. (1)因而闻名:_ 中国因长城而著名。 China _ _ _ _ _ _. (2)作为(身份)而出名:_ 邓紫棋作为一个歌手而闻名。 G.E.M _ _ _ a singer. (3)鲁迅作为一个作家因其小说而出名。 Lu X

7、un _ _ _ a writer _ his novels.5. If you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains. 1) 更喜欢做某事:_ 他更喜欢在雨中漫步。 He _ _ walk in the rain. 那部电影太无聊了,我宁愿睡觉。 The movie is so boring. _. 2)尝试着去做某事(经常表示建议做某事):_=_ 你可以尝试听些轻音乐呢? You can _ _ to some light music? 区分 try to do sth. & try do

8、ing sth. (1)_ 表示努力设法去做某事(尽力而为)。 他努力去拿架子上的苹果,但是没有够着。 He _ _ get the apple above the shelf, but fails to reach it. (2)_表示尝试着去做某事(浅尝辄止,经常表示建议做某事) 你可以试着躺下来,这样你会好受些。 You can _down, then you will feel better.6. France has something for everyone, so why not visit France this year? 为什么不.呢? :_=_ 为什么不好好学习英语呢?

9、 _ _ _ English hard? =_ _ _ _ English hard? 课堂练习:(填空) France is _ Western Europe. It is a country _many beautiful places. Paris is the capital _France. Here you will find many famous _ of interest _(例如)the Eiffel Tower. You can go to the Louvre Museum _ you like art. The most famous street _ Paris is the Champs-Elysees. This is the place_go if you


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