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1、广州小升初英语综合素质测评第二轮模拟考答卷考生注意事项:1. 本试卷分为选择题和非选择题。选择题涂在答题卡上,非选择题答在答题卷上,在试卷上书写的答案无效。2. 请考生在试卷上用蓝色或黑色圆珠笔、签字笔或钢笔将答案填写在答题卷上。3. 考试时间 60 分钟,全卷满分 100 分。第卷(75 分)一、语音知识。选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(15=5 分)()1.A.coolB.foodC.footD.zoo()2.A.blowB.nowC.knowD.snow()3.A.theseB.thereC.threeD.that()4.A.teacherB.eachC.chickenD.mac

2、hine()5.A.heavyB.breakfastC.greatD.sweater二、语言知识与运用。(120=20 分)在下列各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳的答案。1._ drink does your husband like better, coffee or tea ?_. He likes CoCo Cola.A.What,BothB.What,NeitherC.Which,BothD.Which,Neither2.Sally and Henry are in_school but in different_.A.the same, classB.the same,classesC.

3、same,classD.same , classes3.More and more people in the world enjoy_now.A.swimB.swimmingC.to swimD.swims4. Excuse me.Is the next bus stop far from here? Not very far.It only _ you five minutes on foot.A.spendsB.costsC.takesD.gets5. Would you like to go to the Zoo with me on Saturday morning? _,but I

4、ve got a piano lesson.A.No.I dont likeB.Id likeC.Id love toD.Yes,Im glad6.These shoes are not_.They are_.A.my;hersB.he;HarrisC.mine;HarrissD.Harris;her7.Tell him_out of the window.A.dont to lookB.dont lookC.not lookD.not to look8.Bei Hai Park is one of _parks in Beijing.A.the most beautifulB.more be

5、autifulC.beautifulD.most beautiful工厂搬迁对于一个企业来说,安全问题始终是第一位的,也是最基本的,过程中所涉及到的安全问题主要是人员的安全和设备拆装以及财产的安全。各部门经理和所有员工一定要以安全为核心,开展各项工作,职责到人、分工明确。19.There arent_tomatoes but there is_big apple in the fridge.A.any.anB.any.anyC.some.anyD.any.a10.I cant carry_.Theyre heavy.A.three box of orangesB.five bottles of

6、 milkC.two bags of ricesD.four plate of noodle11.Hi,Tom! There_a film about Monkey King the day after tomorrow.Thats great.A.is going to beB.is going to haveC.will hasD.are going to have12._.It was wet and foggy(雾).A.How was the weather like?B.Whats the air like?C.Whats the temperature?D.What was th

7、e weather like?13.Dont be late_school.We should come to school.A.to.for timeB.for.for timeC.for .on timeD.to.on time14.The film is so_.I dont like it,and I feel_.A.boring.boringB.boring.boredC.bored.boringD.bored.bored15.Summer holiday is coming. _your parents_you to the Great Wall?A.Will.takeB.Are.

8、takeC.Did.bringD.Will.bring16.He lives on_.A.the forth floorB.the fourth floorC.four floorD.forth floor17.My pen is broken.Could you_yours_me?A.borrow.toB.borrow.fromC.lend.toD.lend.from18.Tim oftenfootball in the playground.Hesfootball now.A.plays.playsB.plays.playingC.playing.plaiesD.playing playi

9、ng.19.Can I draw on the white wall?_.A.No, you may not.B. No, you mustnt.C.No, you dont.D. No, you neednt.20.Excuse me._.Go straight ahead. Take the third right and the canteen is on your right.A.Where the school canteen is?B.Could you tell me the school canteen?C.How do I get to the school canteen?

10、D.Could you tell me how to the school canteen?22三、完形填空。(120=20 分)(A)A woman lived in a small village.Her husband was a1,but he had only a small farm.He couldnt get enough crops for his family.When spring came , they had2 to eat.Onewinter,the man found a job in a town far away from his village.Before

11、 he3 ,he said to hiswife,”Please take good care of the children when I am4.The work is heavy,but I can getsome money.Then Ill bring some5to you and our children.Dont worry about me.Ishall often 6you.After that, the woman got a 7 from her husband every month.But assoon as she got it,she 8to hide it in the box.She was9 someone could see them.“You cant read,”one of her friends s


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