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1、初一英语单元检测4I.单词闯关(60个)-完成单词分类(一)Vegetables:1.胡萝卜_2.土豆_3.西红柿_4.洋葱_5.豆_(二)Food:1.面条_2.米饭_3.面包_4.蛋糕_5.鸡蛋_6.汉堡包_7.冰激凌_8.糖果_9.巧克力_10.水饺_(三)Fruits:1.苹果_2.香蕉_3.橘子_4.葡萄_5.桃子_(四)Meat: 1.鸡肉_2.牛肉_3.猪肉_4.鱼肉_(五)Drinks: 1.可乐_2.水_3.果汁_4.茶_5.咖_6.牛奶_(六)Healthy food and drink_(七)Unhealthy food and drink_(八)Favourite fo

2、od and drink_(九)Subjects :1.语文_2.数学_3.英语_4.历史_5.地理_6.生物_7.音乐_8.政治_9.信息技术_10.体育_(十)Family members:1.grandparent_&_2.parents_&_3.叔叔、姑姑_/_4.儿子、女儿_/_5.cousins_&_(十一)Jobs :1.工人_2.农民_3.老师_4.学生_5.医生_6.护士_7.男警察、女警察_/_8.男演员/女演员_/_9.经理_10.司机_II短语过关(40)1.在A和B之间_ 2.在图书馆后面_ 3.科学实验室_ 4.我们学校的地图_ 5.去购物_ 6.一些鸡肉_ 7.对

3、.不好_ 8.大量,许多_ 9.好主意_ 10.健康食品_ 11.最喜欢的饮食_ 12.太多肉_ 13.保持健康_ 14.吃顿好早餐_15.六个土豆_ 16.汽车站_17.五箱苹果_ 18.十二盒巧克力_ 19.三个西红柿_20.九杯牛奶_ 21.在周四下午_ 22.擅长_ 23.上英语课_ 24.在10点半_ 25.我最喜欢的课_ 26.在晚上_ 27.吃午饭_ 28.做作业_ 29.起床_ 30和.谈话_ 31.去睡觉_ 32在餐厅_33.休息一下_ 34.在学校门口附近_ 35.回家_ 36.到家_ 37.看电视_ 38.发胖_ 39.许多工作_ 40.五块面包_III.句子攻关1.我们

4、没有肉了。(have got)_ 2.橙汁怎么样?(what about?) _3.可乐对身体不好。(be bad for) _4.咱们去买点食品和饮料吧。(lets.) _5.吃太多巧克力对你身体不好。(too much) _6.奶酪和鱼肉对你的牙齿有好处。(be good for) _7.胡萝卜对眼睛有好处。_www.x kb 1.c om8.肉类是健康食品,但是吃太多肉对儿童不利。_9.记住:吃好,保持健康,不要肥胖。(It is important.) _10.我们在九点钟开始上课。(have) _IV任务型阅读【A】Good morning! Im Bob. This is my h

5、ouse. Look at me sitting room . The blue sofa is very cool, right? In my bedroom,there is a PC. I often play computer games on it,too. There is a book and a pencil-case on my desk. There is a flower near the sofa. On the wall you can see a picture. Its blue. Its my favourite colour.This is my house.

6、 What about your house?根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. What colour is Bobs sofa?A.White B.Green C.Yellow D.Blue( ) 2 .Bob shows you his house in the _A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night( ) 3. There is a_in Bobs bedroom.A .computer B.jacket C.TV D.map ( ) 4. Does Bob like playing computer games?A .Yes,

7、B.No. C.I dont know. D.We dont know.( ) 5. Whats Bob favourite colour?A .Blue B.Red C. Black D.White【B】Man: Good morning, sir! Can I help you?Mr. Black: Yes, please.Man: What can I do for you?Ann: A hamburger and some French Fries.Mr. Black: Would you like something to drink?Ann: A glass o f Coke.Ma

8、n: With ice?Ann: Yes, thank you.Mr. Black: Tom, what would you like?Tom: Im not hungry(不饿).Just a big glass of Coke with ice, please.Mr. Black: No food?Tom: No. What would you like , dad?Mr. Black: Id like some rice and fish, and a glass of Coke with ice.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( )6.How many people are there

9、 in the dialogue(对话)?A. Three B. Four C.Five( )7.Where do you think this dialogue may happen (发生) ? A. At school B. At home C. In a restaurant( )8.What does Ann want to drink? A. Coke B. tea C. We dont know( )9.Does Tom want to eat something? A. Yes B. No C. We dont know( )10.Mr.Black wants to eat_.

10、A.some French fries.B.a hamburgerC.some rice and fishV.完型填空I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is a nice boy , but he eats too 1 and doesnt like sports. He has a big 2 every moring. He has four eggs, 3 of bread and butter and 4 big glass of milk for it. 5 lunch,he eats two hamburgers, a lot of

11、 French fries 6 chichen. He drinks a lot of cola and soda, too. For dinner, he likes beef and salad. He 7 eats beef,chicken,hamburgers,and eggs. He likes ice cream,cola and soda, 8 . Too much food is not 9 for health. So Tom is very 10 .( )1.A .many B.much C.some D. any ( )2.A breakfast B. lunch C.dinner D.supper( )3.A much B.many C.lots D.lot( )4.A a B. an C.some D.any( )5.A for B.and C.of D. but( )6.A.For B.On C.To D. Of( )7.A for B.and



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