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1、员工手册Employee Manual海斯坦普金属成型(武汉)有限公司Gestamp Metal Forming Wuhan第四版Version 4Driving the Future Together携手开拓未来We never stop learning every day. We try to be a little bit better every day, improve our quality a little bit every day, improve our productivity a little bit every day, improve our company a

2、little bit every day!我们每一天都未停止过学习。我们努力争取每天进步一点点,每天改善质量一点点,每天提高生产力一点点,每天让我们的公司成长一点点!公司愿景Company Mission我们是价值创造者 We are Value Creator卓越的能力,高品质的产品和服务,奠定了我们在市场的领先地位。我们为客户、员工和股东创造价值。Outstanding competence, high quality product and service, form the basis of our market leadership. We create value for cust

3、omers, employees and shareholders.我们与客户共同应对来自未来的挑战 We Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow with our Customers.我们以客户需求为导向,通过研发创新型的产品与服务,用以打造可持续发展的基础设施并提高资源的使用效率。We are customer-focused. We develop innovative products and services that create sustainable infrastructures and promote efficient use of resourc

4、es.我们以最高的标准要求自己 We Hold Ourselves to the Highest Standards.我们以企业家精神行事,自信、勇敢并以业绩为导向,力争成为最杰出的企业。我们每位成员的全力投入和专业技能是实现这一目标的基础。员工的发展对我们而言具有特别重要的意义。而员工的健康与安全是重中之重。We engage as entrepreneurs, with confidence, a passion to perform, and courage, aiming to be best in class. This is based on the dedication and

5、performance of every team member. Employee development is especially important. Employee health and workplace safety have top priority.我们拥有共同的价值观 We Share Common Values. 我们以集团的整体利益为出发点。坦诚相待、彼此尊重是我们的准则。正直、可靠、真诚和言行一致是我们做每一件事情的标准。合规是我们的责任。我们乐于承担企业社会责任。We serve the interests of the group. Our interactio

6、ns are based on transparency and mutual respect. Integrity, credibility, reliability and consistency define everything we do. Compliance is a must. We are a responsible corporate citizen.环境健康安全方针 EHS Policy员工的安全与健康是公司发展的首要因素,因此,我们将从技术、经济、社会、法律、人员等各个方面考虑,实现一个安全健康的工作环境,并不断优化对环境资源的利用。The safety and hea

7、lth of our employees at work are of prime importance for company development, as such, we will build a safety and healthy work environment by all technical, economic, social, legal and people considerations, and continuously to optimize the resource utilization. 安全健康环境是每一位员工的责任,因此,我们将在管理人员的带领和全体员工的参

8、与下,有效管理并持续改善安全健康环境体系,杜绝事故的发生。The safety health environment are the duties of every employees, as such, relied on the management team pilot and on all employees engagement, we will efficiently manage and improve the EHS system to prevent all accidents.海斯坦普集团 GESTAMP CORPORATION欧洲独资工业集团,拥有三大主营业务:汽车零部件

9、,钢铁服务中心和可再生能源。Private European Industrial Group, which focuses on three main industrial activities:Auto Components, Steel Service Center & Renewable Energies.海斯坦普汽车零部件事业部目前在全球19个国家建立了98间工厂(西欧49间工厂,东欧13间工厂,北美10间工厂,南美10间工厂,亚洲16间工厂)和13个研发中心。今天,海斯坦普汽车零部件事业部拥有28000名员工,在2012年预测销售收入56亿欧元。GESTAMP AUTOMOCION

10、 is presented in 19 countries and has 98 production centers (49 plants in western Europe, 13 plants in east Europe, 10 plants in North America, 10 plants in South America, 16 plants in Asia) and 13 R&D centers. Today, GESTAMP AUTOMOCION has over 28000 employees, and a forcast turnover of 5.6 billion

11、 Euros in 2012. 通过提供全球性和创造性的解决方案,海斯坦普汽车已经成为全球知名汽车制造商的领导性供应商,我们在白车身,底盘零件和机械零件等方面建立了领导地位。By providing global and innovative solutions, GESTAMP AUTOMOCION has become the leading supplier for the worlds top automobile manufacturers, and we have built leadership in metal components for Body-in-White, Cha

12、ssis and Mechanisms. 我们在产品开发和制造过程中关注的基本点是安全性的提高和重量的减轻,从而减少油耗并尊重我们的环境。The fundamental keystones in products development and manufacturing processes are an increase in safety and a reduction in weight, with the result being a reduction in fuel consumption and respect for the environment. 我们的员工就是我们的优势。

13、我们依靠我们员工的资历、技术能力和责任感,来保证产品质量、生产安全和顾客满意度都达到世界顶尖水平。Our employees are our strength. We rely on the qualifications, skills and responsibilities of the employees in our company to ensure our product quality, safe production and customer satisfaction on the worlds top level.有关海斯坦普更多信息,请查阅公司网站 More information about Gestamp worldwide: www.G目录 Table of contents1. 适用范围 Application Scope.62. 雇佣程序 Employment.73. 离职程序 Quit Procedure.124. 劳动合同 Labour Contract.145. 手册和规定 Rules and Regulations.156. 遵守职责 Responsibilities of employees.167. 出勤 Attendance.228. 假期 Vacation.299. 薪酬 Compensation.4010. 培训 Training.



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