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1、新目标九年级英语1-3单元测试题及答案一、单项选择(30分)1. How do you study for an English test? _ A. By work with friends.B. By asking the teacher with help.C. By making vocabulary lists. 2. Playing with fire _ dangerous. A. isB. wasC. be 3. What about _ grammar? Its too boring. A. findingB. studyingC. writing4. We are goin

2、g hiking tomorrow. What will the weather be like, Benson? Why not _ the radio and listen to the report? A. turn onB. turn offC. find out 5. I found _ very easy to learn English well if you put your heart into it. A. thatB. whatC. it 6. I dont know how _this computer.A. useB. to useC. used7. Miss Li

3、regards all her students _ her children.A. asB. forC. to8. If you dont know how to spell new words, look them _ in a dictionary.A. upB. forC. after9. The small boys decided _ to each other.A. not talkB. not talkingC. not to talk10. It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seemsB. looksC. looks

4、as if 11. _ our surprise, he didnt pass the English exam. A. InB. WithC. To 12. You used to be quiet, _ you? A. usedB. didC. didnt13. He used to late. But now he is used to _early. A. sleep; get upB. sleep; getting up C. sleeping; get up14. Are you _ in the _ story? A. interested; interestingB. inte

5、resting; interesting C. interested; interested15.Hurry up!Your homework in one hour. A.must finish B.will finish C.must be finished 16.Were going to have a holiday next month. A.two week B.two-week C.three weeks17.Mother doesnt allow me to go out alone weekends.She is very strict _me. A.in;with B.on

6、;in C.at;with18.Her mother doesnt allow her earrings. A.to wear B.wearing C.wear 19.She every Sunday volunteering in an old mans home. A.gives B.spends C.uses 20.I think teenagers should not be allowed to get car licenses. I agree. They are not _. A. serious enoughB. something serious C. nothing ser

7、ious21.If I_ you, Id take a small present with some nice words on it. A. was B. were C. am 22.What_you _if you got hurt at home?A. has; done B. will; do C. would; do23.The girl won_ dollars in a lottery.A. a million B.millions C.million of 24.What_you fell and hurt your knee? A.weather B.whether C.i

8、f 25. -Are you going to buy a camera?-Yes, but there are so many kinds that I cant decide _to buy. A. what B. which C. how 26. -The box is _heavy to carry _me. Can you help me? -Certainly. A. so; for B. .very; to C. too; for 27.I found Tom easy to get along_. A. to B .for C. with 28.If you dont fell

9、 well, you may just _.A stopped working B. stop working C. stopped to work29.Who do you think _ English best in your class? A. learn B. learning C. learns30.Jenny is ill. She _a cold since last week.A. has caught B. caught C. had 二完形填空(15分)“Who did this?” Mrs. Green asked with a piece of broken glas

10、s in her hand. She had never been so 31 with us. The classroom was so quiet. All students looked at the window except me. I kept my head 32 . I knew it 33 me. I broke it when I practiced 34 baseball. But should I tell the 35 ? If I did, I would be in trouble. I didnt have enough 36 . How could I aff

11、ord to buy 37 an expensive window? I really didnt want to put up my hand, 38 at last I said, “I did it. I am sorry.” It was not 39 for me to say those words. Mrs. Green went to the book shelf and took 40 a book. Then she walked to me. Looking at 41 , I was a little afraid. To my surprise, she said,

12、“I know you like 42 . Here is a book about them. Its yours now. I give it to you not because you broke the window, but because you are 43 .” I couldnt believe it. I wasnt punished (惩罚) . However, I 44 my favorite book about birds. It happened 20 years ago, but I still 40 the book. The lesson my teac

13、her taught me that day will be in my heart forever. 31. A. excitedB. angryC. happy 32. A. upB. downC. over 33.A. were B. was C. is34 A. playB. to playC. playing 35.A.true B.truly C.truth36. A. glassB. booksC. money 37.A.so B.such C.very38. A. andB. butC. so 39. A. easyB. difficultC. sad 40.A.off B. down C. away41.A. she B. herC. herself 42. A. sportsB. baseballC. birds 43. A.


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