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1、第一夫人米歇尔-奥巴马在民主党全国大会上的演 讲(2012年9月4日)非常感谢,伊莲我们非常感谢来自你家庭的服务和牺牲,我们永远支持你。Thank you so much,Elaine.we are so grateful for your familys service and sacrifice.and we will always have your back. 过去的几年来,借由作为第一夫人的非凡殊荣,我几乎游遍了整个美国。Over the past few years as First Lady, I have had the extraordinary privilege of t

2、raveling all across this country. 而无论我去到哪里,从我所见到的人们,所听到的故事中,我都看到了最真切的美国精神。And everywhere Ive gone, in the people Ive met, and the stories Ive heard, I have seen the very best of the American spirit. 在人们对我和我的家庭,特别是我的女儿们那难以置信的友善和热情中,我看到了它。I have seen it in the incredible kindness and warmth that peopl

3、e have shown me and my family, especially our girls. 在一个濒临破产的学区的教师们不收分文、坚持执教的誓言中,我看到了它。Ive seen it in teachers in a near-bankrupt school district who vowed to keep teaching without pay. 在人们在突如其来的紧急召唤下化身英雄,纵身扑向灾害去拯救他人飞过整个国家去扑灭大火驱车数小时去援助被淹没的城镇时,我看到了它。Ive seen it in people who become heroes at a moment

4、s notice, diving into harms way to save others.flying across the country to put out a fire.driving for hours to bail out a flooded town. 在我们身着军装的男女军人和自豪的军属身上在受伤的战士们告诉我他们不仅会再次站立行走,而是会奔跑,甚至参加马拉松时在一位于阿富汗因炸弹而失明的年轻人“为了我所做的和我还将要做的,我宁愿失去我的眼睛一百次。”这样轻描淡写的话语中,我看到了它。And Ive seen it in our men and women in unif

5、orm and our proud military families.in wounded warriors who tell me theyre not just going to walk again, theyre going to run, and theyre going to run marathons.in the young man blinded by a bomb in Afghanistan who said, simply, .Id give my eyes 100 times again to have the chance to do what I have do

6、ne and what I can still do. 每一天,我所见到的人们都鼓舞着我每一天,他们都令我骄傲每一天,他们都在提醒我,能够生活在这地球上最伟大的国度中是多么的幸福。 Every day, the people I meet inspire me.every day, they make me proud.every day they remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on earth. 成为诸位的第一夫人,是我的荣耀和幸运但当我们四年前首次聚在一起的时候,我仍对我们即将展开的旅程心怀疑虑。Se

7、rving as your First Lady is an honor and a privilege.but back when we first came together four years ago, I still had some concerns about this journey wed begun. 对我丈夫心中的祖国愿景,我满怀信心对他将成为一位出色的总统,我也深信不疑但是就像所有的母亲一样,我也曾担心如果他当选,这对我们的女儿们意味着什么。While I believed deeply in my husbands vision for this country.an

8、d I was certain he would make an extraordinary President.like any mother, I was worried about what it would mean for our girls if he got that chance. 身处万众瞩目的聚光灯下,我们要如何让他们保持脚踏实地?当他们被迫离开从小熟悉的家、学校、和朋友时,会有什么感受?How would we keep them grounded under the glare of the national spotlight? How would they feel

9、 being uprooted from their school, their friends, and the only home theyd ever known? 在搬到华盛顿之前,我们的生活充满简单的快乐周六参加足球赛,周日则在祖母家还有巴拉克和我的约会之夜,我们要么出去晚餐,要么去看场电影,因为作为一个筋疲力尽的老妈,我实在没法同时去晚餐和电影还不打瞌睡。Our life before moving to Washington was filled with simple joys.Saturdays at soccer games, Sundays at grandmas hou

10、se.and a date night for Barack and me was either dinner or a movie, because as an exhausted mom, I couldnt stay awake for both. 说真话,我爱我们为女儿们所创造的生活我深爱和我一起创造这生活的男人而且我不愿意让这一切因为他当了总统而发生变化。 And the truth is, I loved the life we had built for our girls.I deeply loved the man I had built that life with.and

11、 I didnt want that to change if he became President. 我爱的就是巴拉克原来的样子。I loved Barack just the way he was. 你们瞧,即便当时巴拉克已经是一名参议员兼总统候选人了对我而言,他仍是那个开着辆锈迹斑斑的破车来接我去约会的男子,我几乎都能透过乘客这侧车门上的破洞看到飞逝而过的路面他仍是那个把一张从垃圾箱里翻出来的咖啡桌当做自己最了不起的财产的男子,那个仅有的一双体面的鞋子比自己的脚还小了半号的男子。 You see, even though back then Barack was a Senator a

12、nd a presidential candidate.to me, he was still the guy whod picked me up for our dates in a car that was so rusted out, I could actually see the pavement going by through a hole in the passenger side door.he was the guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table hed found in a dumpster, and whose

13、 only pair of decent shoes was half a size too small. 然而,当巴拉克开始向我讲述他的家庭时就在那一刻,我明白我遇到了一个志同道合的灵魂,他的价值观和成长经历与我惊人地相似。 But when Barack started telling me about his family thats when I knew I had found a kindred spirit, someone whose values and upbringing were so much like mine. 如你们所知,养育巴拉克和我的两个家庭都没有太多金钱或

14、物质财富,但是,他们却给予了我们更为珍贵的东西无条件的爱,大无畏的牺牲,以及到达他们自己从未想象过的目标的机会。 You see, Barack and I were both raised by families who didnt have much in the way of money or material possessions but who had given us something far more valuable their unconditional love, their unflinching sacrifice, and the chance to go pla

15、ces they had never imagined for themselves. 我的父亲是城市水厂的一名水泵操作员,在我和哥哥很小的时候就被诊断出患有多发性硬化症。My father was a pump operator at the city water plant, and he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when my brother and I were young. 即使当时还小,我也知道他常常被病痛折磨我知道有许多清晨,仅仅连起床对他来说都是一场痛苦挣扎。And even as a kid, I knew there were plenty of days when he was in pain.I knew there were plenty of mornings when it was a struggle for him to simply get out of bed. 然而每天早晨,我都看到父亲面带微笑地醒来,抓紧他的助步器,用浴室的洗脸池支撑着自己的身体,缓慢地刮好胡须,扣好制服。But every morning, I watched my father wake up with a smile, grab his walker, prop himself up against the b


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