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1、Unit10 If you go to the party,youll have a great time知识点一、短语归纳1.go to the party去参加聚会2.have a great/good 玩得开心3.stay at home待在家里4.take the bus乘公共汽车5.tomorrow night明天晚上6.have a class party进行班级聚会7.have a class meeting开班会8.half the class一半的同学9.make some food做些食物10.at the party在聚会上11.order food订购食物12.pota

2、to chips炸土豆片,炸薯条13.be angry with sb.生某人的气14.give sb. some advice给某人提一些建议15.travel around the world环游世界16.go to college上大学17.make(a lot of)money赚(许多)钱18.get an education得到教育19.work hard努力工作20.a soccer player一名足球运动员21.keepto oneself保守秘密22.talk with sb.与某人交谈23.in life 在生活中24.be angry at/about sth.因某事生气

3、25.in the end最后26.make mistakes犯错误27.in the future在将来28.run away逃避;逃跑29.the first step第一步30.in half分成两半31.solve a problem解决问题32.school clean-up学校大扫除二、用法集萃1.ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 2.give sb. sth.给某人某物 3.tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事 4.tooto do sth.太而不能做某事5.be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 6.advise sb. to do

4、 sth.劝告某人做某事7.Its best (not) to do sth.最好(不)做某事 8.need to do sth.需要做某事9.share sth. with sb.与某人分享某事三、要点解析1、Ithink Ill wear jeans to the party.我想我将穿牛仔裤去参加聚会。I think 意为“我认为”,当主语是第一人称(I或We),think表示“看法”时,其后若接否定意义的宾语从句,要否定在主句上,即I/We dont think +肯定形式的宾语从句。I dont think he will come.我认为他不会来。2、The students ar

5、e talking about when to have a class party.学生们正在谈论什么时候举办班级聚会。When to have a class party 是“疑问词+动词不定式”结构。“疑问词+动词不定式”结构可与主从复合句进行同义句转换。I have decided when to start.=I have decided when I will start.我已经决定什么时候动身。3、lets order food from a restaurant. 咱们从饭店订购食物吧。order 及物动词,意为“订购;订货;点菜;命令”。用法如下: order sth. fr

6、om +地点 从某地订购某物 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事4、travel around the world 环游世界词语辩析:travel trip 与journeytravel常指长距离的旅行或国外旅行trip意为“旅行,远足”,尤指短途的游玩或有目的的旅行。如a school trip 学校郊游;a weekend trip周末旅行journey常指远距离的陆地旅行5、If people have problems,they should keep them to themselves.如果人们有问题,他们应该保守秘密。keep to oneself 意为“保

7、守秘密”The teenagers like to keep their problems to themselves.孩子们喜欢就他们的问题保守秘密。6、She was afraid to tell her parents about it.她害怕把这件事告诉她的父母。Be afraid to do sth.意为害怕做某事I am afraid to speak in class. 我害怕在班上发言。 be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某物/某人My sister is afraid of dogs.我妹妹害怕狗。 Im afraid +从句 我恐怕Im afraid I ca

8、nt help you.我恐怕不能帮你。词语辩析:be afraid to do sth.与be afraid of doing sth.be afraid to do sth.因害怕而不敢做某事be afraid of doing sth.担心或害怕出现某种后果语法(grammar)1、if “如果;假如”,用于引导条件状语从句。if 引导的条件状语从句表示条件。含有if 引导的条件状语从句也是一个完整的句子,故一定要有主语,如果放在主句前时,从句后面要用逗号隔开;由if引导的条件状语从然用一般现在时表示将来,其主句可以使用一般将来时、含有情态动词的句子或祈使句。If he comes here,we will play together.=Well play together if he comes here.如果他来这时,我们就一起玩。2、should 的用法:should 用作情态动词,意为应该,其后跟动词原形,用来表示义务和责任,其否定句要在should 后加not,可缩写成shouldnt ,一般疑问句要把should提前。矮化砧嫁接的苹果树树冠体积小于乔化砧嫁接的苹果树树冠体积,矮化砧苹果树单株产量低于乔化砧苹果树,所以,栽植矮化苹果树必须根据不同的矮化砧木和不同类型的短枝型品种适当加大栽培密度



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