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1、Unit 5 Canada- “ The true North” 一、用单词的适当形式填空:1. Rather than _(go) to the concert, I prefer _(stay )at home.2. When he woke up, he found himself_ by many people.(包围)3. You should take_ to improve your working conditions.(措施)4. They were the last two to go _the plane.(上船,飞机,车)5.Ill go_ for further st

2、udy next year.(国外地)6. How did you _finish the work in such a short time? (设法做成)7. Medicine should not be left _the reach of children.( 在范围内)8.We cant see the picture clearly at a _of 20 metres. (从.多远处)9. The girl you want to see lives in the_ village. (附近的)10.They were_ by his sudden appearance (惊吓)

3、11 Im sure youll be_ with our products.(感到高兴的)12. Punishment seemed to make no_ on the child.(印象)13. The rumors of an attack were later _. (证实)14.Its an _ ceremony. (印象深刻的)15.There are seven _ and four oceans in the world. (陆地)16.He succeeded in business and was very _ (富有的)17.He is so tired today t

4、hat he cant _ to his study (专心于)18 He_ his old friend in the crowd. (看见,瞥见)二、单元过关检测:1.As _ as the sky is your mind. As deep as the sea is your kindness. My dear teacher, please accept my sincere blessing.A. aboard B. abroad C. broad D. board2.He heard someone following him, and glanced round. He _ a

5、 dark figure in the shadows.A. lost sight of B. caught sight of C. in sight D. out of sight 3. The question has been raised at the meeting _ each member country should share the expenses of the committee.A. which B. if C. what D. whether4. - I enjoyed a very good holiday in my hometown.- _.A. Its my

6、 pleasure B. Congratulations C, Oh, Im glad to hear that D.Oh, thats very nice of you.5. After working abroad for several years, Gill wants to _ to a full-time job in Britain. A. put down B. cut down C, break down D. settle down6. - What do you think made Jenny so happy?- _ a ticket to the opening c

7、eremony of the 29th Olympic Games,.A. To win B. Won C. Winning D. Win7.The news _ Tom would go abroad is told by his friend. A. that B. which C.what D.when8. As a boy, we found that he had a gift _ learning languages. A. on B. at C. with D. for9.Hello, Mr Green. Jack Ross here. I am calling to _ our

8、 appointment on Monday at ten oclock in your office.- OK. Ill be present on time. A. confirm B., compare C. create D. compete10. Yesterday evening on my way home, I heard a faint sound _. A. in a distance B. in the distance C. at a distance D. at the distance.11. I dont trust his promise _ he will c

9、ome for a visit. A. if B. when C. that D. which12. The teacher explained the question clearly to _ his students _ its importance.A. impress, with B. impressed ; at C. impress ; in D,.impressed; of13. Some measures have been _ to stop students from smoking at school. A. made B. taken C. got D. given1

10、4. We could see the building _ by trees when we got there that morning. A. is surrounded B. surrounded C. to be surrounded D. surrounding 15. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _harmthem.A. more then B. rather than C. other than D. better than三、词汇练习As an exchange student, I ha

11、d a chance to enjoy the beautiful _(风景)and rich _ (传统) of Canada last year. I was deeply _ with them. (留下印象) Canada _ (接壤) America in the south and its population is only _ (稍稍)over thirty million. Canada has also rich natural resources, such as fresh water and wood. It is a _ (混合物) of cultures and

12、races. It took me _ (大约) seven days to travel across the_ (大陆) from west to esat. After _ (安顿,定居) in Montreal, I began my journey with little _(行李)_ (上车) the train _ (而不是)aeroplane. On the train, I _ (聊天)with other passengers while enjoying the scenery along the way. I saw many mountains , lakes, an

13、d forests, where some tress _ (尺寸为) over 90 meters. I also arrived at Vancouver, _ (环绕) by mountains and water , where I skied in the mountain and sailed in the _ (海港)。 In the Rocky Mountain, I _( 设法看到) some mountain goats and even an eagle _(在远处). Going _(向东), I arrived at Calgary, where I took par

14、t in the Calgary Stampede. Unfortunately, I didnt _ (对.有天赋的) riding horses and narrowly fell off it. But I didnt feel _ (感到害怕的) . _ (正相反), I felt very _ ( 感到高兴的). At last, I arrived at Toronto, the biggest and most _ (富有的)city, and went _ (市区),buying some souvenirs. I had a good参考答案:一、1. go; to stay 2. surrounded 3. measure/action 4.abroad 5. abroad 6. manage to 7. within 8. distance 9. nearby 10. terrified 11. please



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