unit 3unit 3 the million pound bank note人教课标必修3)

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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 单 元 学 习 目 标 导 航类别新课标要求掌握的项目话题1. Talk about short stories and dramas.2. How to act out a play.3.How to request and order food.词语单词 Birthplace, novel, adventure phrase author scene wander pavement businessman permit ahead bay stare fault spot passage account embassy

2、seek patience contrary envelope unbelievable steak pineapple dessert amount rude manner scream genuine rag indeed bow barber词组bring up, go ahead, by accident, stare at, account for, on the contrary, take a chance, in rags, as for功能Request(请求)Would you please come in?Would you mind waiting just a few

3、 minutes?May I ask you how much money you have? Well, to be honest, I have none.Could you offer me some kind of work?I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you mind us asking a few questions? Go right ahead.Ordering food (点餐)Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.Ill have a nice long glass of beer.语法Noun c

4、lauses as the object (宾语从句)I cant say that I have any plans.and he does not know what he should do.I did not know whether I could survive until morning.Noun clauses as the predicative (表语从句)Thats why weve given you the letter.第一课时 warming up & pre-reading 自主学习学案【教学目标】了解百万英镑及其作者马克吐温的时代背景,了解戏剧的基本知识,提高

5、学生文学修养和欣赏水平。树立正确价值观和人生观。掌握名词性从句作表语和宾语的用法。【教师寄语】If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the sun. 如果你为失去了太阳而哭泣,那么你也将失去群星了。【教学重点】Language aims: 1)词汇和短语bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, jealous 2)交际用语Expressions on request: Would you step ins

6、ide a moment, please?/Would you please come in?/May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?/Well, why dont you explain what this is all about?2. 能力目标 Ability aims:1) Enable students to read and hear natural language in a dramatic context 2) Retell the scene using the key wor

7、ds of the whole scene.重点 key points:1. Mastery of the words and phrases in the text. 2. How to interpret language through tone of voice and body language.难点 important points:1. Develop students reading ability.2. Enable students to learn to express their requests and answers.STEP 1. Warming up通过对马克吐

8、温及其作品的讨论引发学生学习兴趣,使学生对马克吐温及其作品有个初步的了解。并且简要介绍百万英镑的故事情节。1. What do you know about the American writer Mark Twain ? The greatest humorist of the 19th century American literature2. Do you know any of his works? Can you name any of them?The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)(汤姆索亚历险记) The Prince and the Paupe

9、r (1882)(皇子与贫儿) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1894) (哈克贝利费恩历险记)3.百万英镑故事大概:可以播放电影视频。STEP 2 Reading 1. Fast reading (tips:统揽全文,获得大意即可,不要句句阅读。)1). Who was Henry? An American businessman, who arrived in London by accident, penniless, hungry and lonely. 2) Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he

10、know much about London?Henry comes from San Francisco. No, he doesnt know London at all.3)What did he do in America?He worked for a mining company 4)Why did he land in Britain?He was sailing out the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was survived by a ship for London.5.)What did

11、 the two gentlemen give Henry?They give him a letter.6)When can Henry open the letter?He cant open it until two oclock7)Why did they chose Henry?Because Henry was honest, hard-working and poor.2.Put the following events in correct order.(1) Henry wandered in London streets.(2) About a month ago Henr

12、y Adams was sailing out of the bay.(3) The next morning he was spotted by a ship.(4) Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(5) On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand._(2)(4)(3)(5)(1)_Step3 post-reading1.What kind of persons do you thinkHenry i

13、s?_honest_It is my first trip here./Well, to be honest, I have none. (no money)/Well, I cant say that I have any plans. _hard-working_I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand./Could you offer me some kind of work here?/I dont want your charity, I just want an honest job._direct/frank_Well, i

14、t may seem luck to you but not to me. /If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont think its very funny. /Now, if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.2. Retell the story by filling the following passage. Henry was an_. One day he had an accident in a_. Luckily he was saved by a ship for_. He arrived in London by earning his p


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