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1、现代科技的一些正面影响 (该总结涵盖了几乎所有关于现代科技考题的常见论点和相关扩展, 同时也为所有科技和教 育结合的考题提供了论点, 如: 远程教育的利弊和高科技对孩子的影响;所有论点都以动词 短语的形式出现, 请根据具体的题目添加主语或者变成以人做主语的句子。最快捷的复习方 法是:过一遍中文翻译, 同时记一些关键词, 不必逐字逐句背诵) 效率 论点:Assist people to enhance efficiency. 协助人们提高效率 扩展提示1:With the help of fax, e-mail and other communication devices, the amoun

2、t of manual work is reduced to the minimum and people are able to perform daily tasks in a more efficient way. 有了传真, 电子邮件和其他通讯设备的帮助, 人工劳动量被减少到最低并且人 们能以一种更高效的方式工作 扩展提示2:One can perform many tasks at home, such as shopping, banking and business interaction. This spares people from travelling back and

3、forth, saving a large amount of time for more creative work. 人们可以在家做很多事情, 诸如购物, 银行交易和生意往来。这让人们免 于到处奔波, 节约了大量时间去做更有创造力的工作 方便灵活 论点:Provide considerable convenience and flexibility. 提供了巨大的方便性和灵活性 扩展提示: For example, the Internet opens up more opportunities for home working and distance learning. By work

4、ing remotely, employees can choose to perform daily work after they finish household chores or childcare responsibilities, rather than sticking to a fixed timetable. Students can manage time and plan their learning process according to their actual command of lessons, since on-line courses spare the

5、m from struggling to keep up with teachers in classes. 比如说, 网络 为在家办公和远程教育提供了更多机会。通过远程办公, 员工可以选择在他们做完家务活或 者照顾完孩子后再工作, 而不是严格遵守一个固定的时间表。学生可以根据他们对课程的实 际掌握来管理时间和计划他们的学习进程, 因为在线课程免去了他们试图跟上课堂老师进度 的麻烦 娱乐 论点1:Save more time for entertainment. 为休闲节约了更多时间 扩展提示:With the help of automated devices, such as comput

6、ers and washing machines, people are able to finish daily work and household chores in a shorter time. This opens up more opportunities for them to enjoy leisure time. 有了诸如电脑和洗衣机等自动化设施的帮助, 人们 能够在较短时间内完成日常工作和家务琐事。这使他们有更多机会享受休闲时光 论点2:Various forms of recreation are accessible to people 各种娱乐形式可供人们选择 扩展

7、提示:For example, through web-surfing, people can do shopping, play games, browse news, download movies and so forth. These technology-based activities make the outside world more vivid and enrich peoples daily lives to a large extent. 比如说, 通过上网, 人们可以购物, 玩 游戏, 浏览新闻, 下载电影等等。这些基于高科技的活动使外面的世界更生动地展现并且在 很大

8、程度上丰富了人们的日常生活 情感 论点:Expand peoples social circle. 扩大了人们的社交圈 扩展提示: In the past, social relationships were limited by physical factors such as geographical distance. But nowadays, due to the widespread use of mobile phones and the Internet, one can get acquainted with more people online and stay in cl

9、ose contact with the outside world. 在过去,社 会关系被诸如地理距离这样的物理因素限制。但是现在, 由于手机和网络的广泛使用, 人们 可以在线结识更多的人并和外界保持亲密接触 就业 论点:Make job opportunities more available. 使就业机会更容易获得 扩展提示: Since people can work at home with modern technology, it is more possible for employers to recruit workers from every corner of the

10、globe or even disabled workers. This technology-based work mode provides new possibilities of making a living. 由于人们可以通过 现代科技在家办公, 雇主就更可能招收来自全球各个角落的员工, 甚至是残疾工人。这种基 于科技的工作模式提供了新的谋生可能 知识 论点:Accelerate the spread of knowledge. 加速了知识传播 扩展提示: With access to the Internet, a huge amount of information is ju

11、st a click away. By learning from a variety of sources, such as E-libraries and online training courses, one can take in knowledge in a more efficient way. 有了网络接口, 大量信息只是一个鼠标点击的距离。通过 从诸如电子图书馆和在线课程等资源中学习, 人们可以更有效地吸收知识 现代科技的一些负面影响 压力 论点:Bring about greater stress 带来更大的压力 扩展提示: Modern technology accele

12、rates the pace of work. As a result, people have to continue education and receive on-the-job training to keep pace with changes brought by technology, which takes up their spare time and makes them more stressed. 现代科技加快了工作的节奏。因此, 人 们必须不断地接受教育和在职培训以跟上科技所带来的变化, 这占据了他们的业余时间并使 他们更劳累 娱乐 论点:Deprive worke

13、rs of their leisure time 剥夺了员工的休闲时间 扩展提示: Employees are actually working longer, because fax, e-mail or other communication devices make them accessible to their superiors, colleagues and customers after work. 员工们实 际上工作地更长了, 因为传真, 电子邮件或者其他通讯设施让他们更容易被上级, 同事和客户 在下班后联系上 情感 论点1:Lead to domestic alienati

14、on 导致家庭情感疏远 扩展提示: For most young adults, web-surfing takes up a major part of their spare time. The independence on the Internet prevents them from interacting with their family members and may even alienate them from their parents. 对大多数年轻人来说, 上网占据了他们业余时间的很大 一部分。对网络的依赖阻止了他们和家人交谈并甚至可能使他们和父母疏远 论点2:Mak

15、e young people unsociable 使年轻人不善社交 扩展提示: For many people, spending part of the day on the Internet has become an indispensable part of life. Since some internet users are deeply addicted to the Internet, they seldom interact with people around in real life. Lacking emotional exchange with the outsid

16、e world will make them socially isolated, which will lead to poor social life and strong feelings of loneliness. 对很多人来 说, 花一天中的一部分时间上网已经成为生活中必不可少的部分。由于一些网络使用者对网 络上瘾, 他们很少和现实生活中周围的人互动。和外界情感交流的缺失会使他们变得与世隔 绝, 这会导致不理想的社会生活已经强烈的孤独感 健康 论点1:Pose a potential threat to peoples physical fitness 对人们的身体健康构成潜在威胁 扩展提示: The overuse of the Internet may lead to the



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