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1、4年级上册 Unit 2 A卷: 课堂点拨题Story time1. (1)I have red orange. A.an B.a C./(2)I have books and pencils in my schoolbag. A.a B.any C.some(3)I have a . A.orange B.apple C.mango(4)I have oranges fot you. A.a B.some C.any2. (1) -Do you like ? -No,I . A.bananas;do B. bananas;dont C. banana;dont(2)- Do you like

2、 grapes? - ,I like pineapples. A.Yes B.Not C.No(3)别人问你是否有苹果,你可以这样说:A.Do you have an apple? B.Yes,I have. C. Yes,I do.(4)别人问你是否有一些葡萄,你可以这样说: A.Do you have any grapes? B. Yes,I do. C. Yes,I am.(5)Liu Tao has (a/some) mango. (6)I have (any/some) apples. (7)Do you like that (chair)?3. - Here you are. -

3、. A.No,thanks B. Thanks C.Yes,please 4. salad,make,a,lets,fruit (.) 5. (1)-Whos that ? -Shes Miss Li. Shes teacher. A.woman;I B.man;our C. woman;our(2)-Look at the robot! - cool! A.What B. What a C.HowCartoon time1. I like . I have a fruit . A.apples;cake B. apple;cakes C. apples;cakes2. (1)This is

4、a . I like . A.mango;mangoes B. mango;mangos C. mango;mango(2)I have two . A.book B.a book C.books3. (1) eggs do you have? -Three. A.How old B. How much C. How many(2)How many do you have? A.book B.books C.bananaB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.I have orange and pear. A.an;a B.a;an C.an;/( )2.I have apples. A.an

5、B.some C.any( )3.你想告诉别人你有一些梨,你可以这样说:A.Would you like some pears? B.I have a pear. C.I have some pears.( )4.-Do you have pencils? -Yes,I do. I have two . A.a;pencils B.any;pencil C.any;pencils ( )5.“你有一些蜡笔吗”的正确翻译是:A. Do you have a pen? B. Do you have any crayons? C.I have some crayons.( )6.你想知道对方是否有一

6、本书,你可以这样说:A.Do you have a book? B.I have a book. C.Would you like a book?( )7.-How many can you see? -I can see little doll. A.doll;one B.dolls;one C. dolls;seven8.选出不同类的单词( ) (1) A.have B.like C.make D.great( ) (2) A.pie B.salad C.toy D.milk ( ) (3) A.cake B.pie C.hot dog D.cherry ( ) (4) A.red B.p

7、urple C.brown D.bag ( ) (5) A.nice B.wonderful C.parrot D.sweet 二填入适当的词1.lets(完整形式) 2.this(复数) 3.do not (缩写形式) 4. mango(复数) 5.big(反义词) 6. any(同义词) 7.cute(近义词) 8.pineapples(单数) 9.I like this black (grape).10.I have some (grape).11.Do you have any (friend).12.Do you like (dog)?13.Look at (our/us)salad

8、.14.Look at (this/these)horse.三翻译1.三只菠萝 2.十个芒果 3. 五个葡萄 4.我们的朋友 5.制作一个蛋糕 6.purple grapes 7.how nice 8.一个橙子 9.我们的书 10.nice and sweet 11.做冰淇淋 12.一个大苹果 13.-你有一些菠萝吗? -不,我没有。 - you have ? -No,I .14.-你喜欢狮子吗? -是的,我喜欢。 -Do you ? -Yes,I do.15.-你有多少个苹果? -两个。 - do you have? - .16.-你有芒果吗? -不,我没有。 -Do you mangoes

9、? - ,I dont.17.-让我们做水果沙拉吧。 -太棒了。 -Lets a fruit salad. - .四连词成句1.toy,I,dolls,have,some(.) 2.a,do,dog,have(?) 3.any,bananas,you,do,have(?) 4.have,toy,you,do,animals,any(?) 5.and,are,sweet,they,nice(.) 6.like,I,class,our (.) 7.salad,our,at,look(!) 8.bananas,do,have,you,many,how (?) 9.mangoes,many,have,

10、how,you,do (?) 五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.Look,I have a orange. 2.Lets making a cake. 3.These grape are nice and sweet. 4.Look at my pencil. What nice! 5.Do you have some banans? 6.I have a mango and any grapes. 7.Look at we fruit salad! 8.No,I do like the doll. 9.How many mango do you have? 六排序题 (1) A.Good evening. Do you have a rubber? B.No,I dont. C.Thanks.D.Yes,I do. H


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