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1、译林英语五年级第一学期期中练习卷 听力部分一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听一遍。8分( )1.A fridge B front C from D forest ( )2 A afraid B friend C again Dgreat ( )3 A swing B swim C swimming D sing( )4 A hi B high C eight D light ( )5 A tails B eyes C ears D wings( )6 A hobby B Bobby C puppy D happy( )7 A thirsty B third C thirty D

2、thirteen( )8 A horse B house C has D have二、听录音,选出所听句子的答句,听两遍。6分( )1. A.Heres a glass of water. B. Heres a hamburger for you.C.You can go to bed now.( )2.A. There are some computers. B. There is only one. C Therere two offices.( )3. A. Yes,they are. B. Some little dogs. C. Yes, there are.( )4. A. The

3、re are four. B. I can see four. C. It has four.( )5.A. Its Mikes. B.Hes Liu Tao. C. Helens.( )6.A. I can play football. B. Playing football. C. Football.三、听对话,选出所给问题的最佳选项,听两遍。6分( )1.How many students are there in the class? A.18. B.20. C.38( )2.Who likes writing stories? A. Nancy. B. Nancys brother.

4、 C. Both A and B.( )3. What can you see in the tree? A. A bird. B. Two birds. C.There are two birds.( )4. Where are Susan and her friend?A. In the classroom. B. In the park. C. At home.( )5.What is it? A. Its a duck. B: Its a panda. C. Its a bear.( )6. What does Liu Taos animal friend have? A: Big e

5、ars and small eyes. B. Small eyes and long ears. C. Big eyes and small ears.四、根据所听内容,完成下列短文,听三遍。10分It is _today. Jim and his family are at home. Jim _ reading,but his sister _ . She likes _. Their mother likes_ _.And their father likes _ _ _. They all have some _.笔试部分五、按要求写单词5分1. second(基数词)_ 2. the

6、ir(同音词)_3. soft(反义词)_4. watch(三单式)_5. dance(动名词)_六、英汉互译10分1.第二层_ 2.擅长_3.一个动物朋友_4.两条鱼_5.喜欢画画_6.打篮球_7.害怕 _ 8.带他参观_9.a hole in the ice_10. in winter _七、 单项选择20分( )1 There is _umbrella behind the door. _ umbrella is nice.A.an;The B.an; An C. a ; The D. the;An( )2 He cannot see_pies at the snack bar. A.s

7、ome B.any C. a D.no ( )3 _ is popular in China.A.Coffee B. Tea C.Milk D. Juice( )4 Mike likes_ table tennis. He can_well.A.playing;play B. .playing;playing C. play;playing D. play;play( )5 The cakes are too_. Do you have any soft ones?A.small B.soft C.hard D.white( )6 His hobby is _.A.reads books B.

8、reading book C.read books D.reading books( )7 It has _legs _arms.A.no;and B. some;or C.no;or D.any;or( )8 There are two cats under the tree. One is fat and _is thin.A.the other B.other C. the one D.one( )9 _ only four years old,but _ animal friend is eight.A.Hes ; his B. Hes; hes C. Shes;shes D. She

9、;her( )10 There _ some rice in the bowl.A. is B.are C.has D.have ( )11 There arent _ table tennis rooms in the building. A. a B. some C. any( )12 The library is on _ floor. A. three B. third C. the third ( )13 Liu Tao cant _. A. sing B. sings C. singing ( )14 A: What does Helen _? B: She _ a pretty

10、dress. A. have;hasB. has;have C. has;has( )15 Dont _ the door. A. to open B. openingC. open( )16 There are some trees _ the farm. A. in B. onC. at ( )17 Nancys animal friend _ jump and run. A. do B. doesC. can ( )18 We have ten _. A. finger B. fingers C. arms ( )19 There _ an English book, two story

11、books and four exercise books in the bag. A. are B. isC. have( )20 Let _ go and see. A. we B. usC. our 八、词汇检测10分A)根据句意,在括号中选出最佳选项,填在横线上。1 Dont push_(he/him)! Its too high.2 There is a river between the _(hill/hills).3 Mikes dog _(have/has)eight legs.4 Look,there is some _(hamburgers/bread) on the table.5 Can you _(swim/swimming) in the river?B)根据中文及句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。1 My brother can swim very_(好).2 You are _ (这么)heavy.3 Elephants have big _(身体).4 The two pictures on the wall are _


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