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1、Lecture 1认知语言学An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Introduction1. What is Cognitive Linguistics?Cognitive linguistics (CL) refers to the branch of linguistics that interprets language in terms of the concepts, sometimes universal, sometimes specific to a particular tongue, which underlie its fo

2、rms. It is thus closely associated with semantics but is distinct from psycholinguistics, which draws upon empirical findings from cognitive psychology in order to explain the mental processes that underlie the acquisition, storage, production and understanding of speech and writing.Cognitive lingui

3、stics is characterized by adherence to three major hypotheses as guiding the cognitive linguistic approach to language:1) Language is not an autonomous cognitive faculty; (语言不是自主的认知能力)2) grammar is conceptualization; (语法是概念化)3) knowledge of language arises out of language use.(语言知识来源于语言的使用)Cognitive

4、 linguists deny that the mind has any module for language-acquisition that is unique and autonomous. This stands in contrast to the stance adopted in the field of generative grammar. Although cognitive linguists do not necessarily deny that part of the human linguistic ability is innate, they deny t

5、hat it is separate from the rest of cognition. They thus reject a body of opinion in cognitive science which suggests that there is evidence for the modularity of language. They argue that knowledge of linguistic phenomena i.e., phonemes, morphemes, and syntax is essentially conceptual in nature. Ho

6、wever, they assert that the storage and retrieval of linguistic data is not significantly different from the storage and retrieval of other knowledge, and that use of language in understanding employs similar cognitive abilities to those used in other non-linguistic tasks.Departing from the traditio

7、n of truth-conditional semantics, cognitive linguists view meaning in terms of conceptualization. Instead of viewing meaning in terms of models of the world, they view it in terms of mental spaces.Finally, cognitive linguistics argues that language is both embodied and situated in a specific environ

8、ment. This can be considered a moderate offshoot of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, (The linguistic relativity principle , also known as the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, is the idea that the varying cultural concepts and categories inherent in different languages affect the cognitive classification of the ex

9、perienced world in such a way that speakers of different languages think and behave differently because of it.)in that language and cognition mutually influence one another, and are both embedded in the experiences and environments of its users.2. 认知语言学的诞生(The birth of cognitive linguistics)A起始阶段 (T

10、he initial stage)认知语言学兴起于20世纪70年代,20世纪80年代以后迅猛发展。1989年由Rene Driven 等人组织在杜伊斯堡(Duisburg)召开的第一次认知语言学会议(The first conference of Cognitive Linguistics)以及随后认知语言学杂志(the Cognitive Linguistics Magazine)的创办和国际认知语言学学会(the International Cognitive Linguistics Society )的成立,标志着认知语言学的正式诞生。认知语言学研究的重要代表人物有:G. Lakoff,

11、 R. Langacker, L. Talmy, C. Filmore, M. Johnson, J. R. Taylor, D. Greeraert, P. Ray, G. Fauconnier, A. Goldberg 等。早期重要的认知语言学著作有:Lakoff & Johnsons 我们赖以生存的隐喻(Metaphors We Live By )(1980); 1999年出版了基于身体的哲学体验性心智以及对西方思想的挑战(Philosophy in the FleshThe Embodied Mind and Its challenge to Western Thought)Lakof

12、fs 女人,火 和危险的事物(Women, Fire and Dangerous Things) (1987) and Langackers 认知语法的基础(Foundations of Cognitive Grammar) (Vol. 1 & 2, 1987, 1991), 2000年出版了语法和概念化(Grammar and Conceptualization),Taylors 语言范畴化语言学理论中的原型(Linguistic CategorizationPrototypes in Linguistic Theory)(1989), and 英语中的所有格构造一项从认知语法角度的研究(P

13、ossessives in EnglishAn exploration in Cognitive Grammar)(1989),以及认知语法(Cognitive Grammar)(2002),Johnsons心智中的身体意义、想象和推理的身体基础(The Body in the MindThe bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination & Reason)(1987); Sweetsers从词源学到语用学意义结构的隐喻观和文化观(From Etymology to PragmaticsMetaphorical and Cultural Aspects)(1990)

14、; Dirven and Verspoors 语言和语言学的认知探索(Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics)(1998); Ungerer and Schmids认知语言学导论(An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics)(1996) 等。这些著作已经成为人之语言学的经典著作。目前,认知语言学研究在欧美异常活跃。认知语言学在美国的两个研究中心已形成了两个学派:一个是以Lakoff、Fillmore、Kay和Sweetser为首的“伯克利学派”(Berkeley School);一是以Langac

15、ker和Fauconnier为首的“圣地亚哥学派”(San Diego School)。这两个学派的理论主要包括Langacker的认知语法、Fauconnier的心理空间理论(mental space theory)或概念整合理论(conceptual blending theory)、Lakoff的隐喻理论或认知语义学(Cognitive Semantics)、Fillmore的框架语义学(Frame Semantics)、Fillmore等人的构式语法(Construction Grammar)等。此外,认知语言学还与语言类型学、功能语言学、语篇分析、语用学、语言习得等学科的研究有关,其

16、研究成果也斐然。3. 认知语言学的形成(The Formation of Cognitive Linguistics )认知语言学的迅猛发展有其深厚的背景,换句话说,其发展是从多种源泉中吸收营养成分而促成的。第一个源泉是语用学。语用学是20世纪70年代兴起的一门新学科,它的主要贡献在于区分了句子意义和话语意义,将人的因素与语境、语义研究结合起来,反对脱离现实生活和语义环境去独立地研究抽象的语义。根据赵艳芳在她的人之语言学概论的总结,语用学对认知语言学的贡献主要表现在以下三个方面:(1) 从单独研究语言到研究一定语境中的语言。语境包括语言环境、社会环境、文化环境、人的认知体系等。这样就将人的认知体系融入了语言研究。(2) 用含意推理解释语言理解,不仅提出了由句子意义向会话含意的推导,而且提出了会话含意的推理的原则。特别是斯珀珀和威尔逊(D. Sperber & D. Wilson)的相关理论将


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