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1、致用英语 综合英语unit 3 致用英语综合教程教案授课教师授课班 级授课地点授课日 期教 材致用英语综合教程(第一册)授课内容Book 1: Unit 3 Food to put you in a party mood学时教学目的1 To promote the students to think about the effective way of learning English.2 Scan the text and understand the structure of the text .3 Understand the main idea of the text.4 Help t

2、he students to master the meaning and use of the language points & patterns.5 Learn about the devices used in developing the passage.教学重点与难点text analysis; language points and sentence patterns,devices used in developing the passage 教学方法与手段explanation; discussion; exemplification;pair work; Scanning;

3、translation教学参考书和网络资源A Comprehensive English CourseTeachers Book of A Comprehensive English CourseOn-line resources: English on line教 学 进 程Step 1 Lead-in: Listen to the tape and answer some questions.1) a quiz on food . Question1-102) Discussion and vocabulary Step2 Text analysis: Pre-reading tasks1

4、. Suppose you are planning an informal party with some drinks and snacks. What kinds of food and drinks would you want to provide ? why ?2. Have you ever heard that some food and drinks can stimulate the nervous system?Language points:1. artificiallyartificial2. delightdelightful delight sb with sth

5、3. depresseddepress4. rimon the rim of在边缘5. stimulantstimulate6. informalformal7. compare with 把和相比较 compare to 把比作Passage ComprehensionQuestion to answer1. why is cheese a good choice for a party?2. which are better for a party,white wine or red wine?3. why is champagne often used in celebrations?4

6、. what function do chicken livers have?5. what is the most popular drink in the world?6. what is coca-cola made from?Expression & patterns for Text11. stimulate. VERB 刺激;激励;促使;促起Tostimulatesomething means to encourage it to begin or develop further.Americas priority is rightly tostimulateits economy

7、. 美国的首要任务自然是刺激经济。The Russian health service hasstimulated public interest in home cures. 俄罗斯的公共医疗服务已经激起了公众对家庭治疗的兴趣。VERB 激发;激励;使充满热情If youare stimulated bysomething, it makes you feel full of ideas and enthusiasm.Bill wasstimulated by the challenge. 这个挑战让比尔热情高涨。I wasstimulated to examine my deepest t

8、houghts. 我深受启发,开始审视自己内心深处的想法。2. serve. VERB 为服务;为效力;为效忠If youserveyour country, an organization, or a person, you do useful work for them.It is unfair to soldiers who haveserved their country well for many years. 这对那些为国效忠多年的士兵们来说是不公平的。I have always said that I wouldservethe Party in any way it felt

9、appropriate. 我一直说,只要需要,我愿意为党效力,不管以何种方式。VERB (给)提供,端上(食物);上(菜);开(饭)When youservefood and drink, you give people food and drink.Serve it with French bread. 把它和法式面包一起端上去。Serve the cakes warm. 趁热上蛋糕。Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready toservethe soup. 在快要准备上汤前再在上面加点装饰菜。3.vice versais used

10、 to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true. For example women may bring their husbands with them, and vice versa means that men may also bring their wives with them.We gossip about them andviceversa. 我们议论他们,他们也议论我们. A man of high birth may be of low worth andviceversa. 出身高贵的人可能价值低,出

11、身微贱的人可能价值高. Lets take more money than we think well need, just tobeonthesafeside. 为稳妥起见,咱们带的钱要比想象中所需要的多一些.4. be on the safe side: Althoughthesun was shining, I took an umbrella tobeonthesafeside. 虽然有太阳, 但我仍带了伞以防万一.You might still want to go for an X-ray, however, just tobeonthesafeside. 不过,为稳妥起见,你可能

12、还想要照一个X光。Just tobeonthesafeside. 为安全起见.Well, tobeonthesafeside, I guess Ill register it. 好吧, 为了保险起见, 我还是寄挂号信.5. serve as:担任,充当,起作用,被用作eg: America cannot indefinitely serve as the breadbasket for the world美国不可能无限期地作为世界的粮仓。These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。 Let this be

13、 an example (ie May this punishment serve as a warning) to you. 你要以此为鉴戒.6. result in lead to “导致,引起”,主语是原因,宾语是结果The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.这次水灾造成相当大的减产。The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house.争吵导致了他母亲离家出走。result from = because of : “因.而导致.”,宾语是原因,主语是结果。

14、Success results from hard work.The bad weather result in traffic jam. 坏天气导致了交通阻塞。The traffic jam result from bad weather. 交通阻塞是由于坏天气。7. addto“把加到上” 是把前一项加到后一项之后或之中If the tea is too strong,addsome more hot water 如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。If you want to eat hot things, you canaddred peppertothem. 如果你想吃辣的东西,可以加些红辣椒

15、在上面。add to“增添,增加,增进”This latest incident willaddtothe pressure on the government. 最近的这次事件将会给政府增加压力。The bad weather added to our difficulties.Her comments willaddtothe uncertainty of the situation. 她的批评将会使局势更加不稳定.Addup 加起来 would you please add up these figures?add up to.“总共达;加起来达到”,该短语不用于被动语态。The cost of two tripsadded up to1,000 dollars. 两次旅行的费用总计达1000美元。Chinas population adds up to more



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