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1、Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. smell (1) smell作实义动词,意为“闻”。例如: Please smell the soup! 请闻闻这汤! (2) smell作系动词,意为“闻起来”,后接形容词作表语。例如: Dinner smells good. 晚饭闻起来很香。 【拓展】 (1) 类似smell作系动词的词还有:look(看上去);feel(感觉起来、摸上去);sound(听起来);taste(品尝)等。例如: The music sounds beautiful. 这首音乐听起来很美。 The food tastes g

2、ood. 食物尝上去很香。 注意:smell; look等系动词不同于系动词be,它们在变疑问句或否定句时不能简单地提到主语之前或加not,而是要通过助动词do/does/ did等来帮助实现。例如: Does it smell nice? 它闻起来很好吗? The chicken doesnt taste good. 鸡肉尝起来不好。 How do the children look? 孩子们看起来怎么样?2. homework (1) homework是一个合成词,意为“家庭作业”,是不可数名词。类似的合成词还有:housework家务活;classroom教室等。例如: I have m

3、uch homework to do this evening. 今晚我有许多作业要做。 This is our classroom. 这是我们的教室。 (2) do ones homework是固定搭配,意为“做作业”。例如: I do my homework after school every day. 我每天放学后写作业。3. listen to listen是不及物动词,与to连用,意为“听”。例如: Listen carefully! 认真听! Dont listen to him. 不要听他的话。 I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。 【拓展】so

4、und、hear和listen的辨析: sound是系动词,后接形容词,表示“听起来”;hear是及物动词,表示听到的结果;listen是不及物动词,后面接宾语时,要加上to,表示听的动作。例如: The song sounds wonderful! 那首歌听起来太精彩了!He listened carefully, but he heard nothing.他仔细听,可什么也没听到。 He is listening to the teacher. 他正在听老师讲课。4. play withplay with后接某人时,表示“和一起玩”。with用作介词,表示“和一起”。例如:Danny is

5、 playing with his friends. Danny正在和他的朋友们一起玩。【拓展】play with后接表示物的名词时,意为“玩弄;摆弄”。例如:Tom, dont play with the snow any more. Tom,不要再玩雪了。Its dangerous to play with fire. 玩火是很危险的。5. question question 作名词,意为“问题”。例如:I have a question. 我有个问题。I dont want to answer this question. 我不想回答这个问题。【拓展】question与problem的辨

6、析: question和problem都有“问题”的意思,但用法不同。question 指须解答的问题,是就疑问而言的;problem 指须解决的问题,是就困难而言的。例如:Whats your question? Can you answer it? 你的问题是什么?你能自己回答吗? Whats your problem? Can you solve it by yourself? 你的问题(困难)是什么?你能自己解决吗? 6. mean mean是及物动词,意为“意思是;指的是”。例如: The red light means “stop”. 红灯意思是“停止”。【拓展】 (1) What

7、 does/domean?意为“是什么意思?”例如: What does “television” mean? television是什么意思? (2) mean的名词形式为meaning。Whats the meaning of?意为“是什么意思?” 例如: Whats the meaning of this word?这个单词是什么意思?7. sick sick是形容词,意为“病的;恶心的;厌倦的”。例如: Her mother was sick.她妈妈病了。【拓展】sick和ill的辨析: sick和ill都意为“生病的”,但用法不同: ill作“生病的”讲时,只能作表语;sick意为“

8、生病的,恶心的”时,既可作定语,又可作表语。例如: The boy doesnt like to eat anything. He can be ill. 这个男孩不愿意吃东西,他可能病了。 Lucys mother is sick/ill in hospital. Lucy的妈妈生病住院了。 Shell visit her sick mother after school. 放学后她要去看望生病的妈妈。8. a bit a bit意为“一点”。例如: The dish tastes a bit sweet. 这道菜有点甜。【拓展】a bit与a little的辨析: (1) 相同之处:a b

9、it与a little都可作程度副词,表示“稍微、一点儿”的意思,修饰动词、形容词、比较级等,二者可以互换。例如:Will you please turn down the radio a bit/a little? (动词) 请你把收音机声音关小一点好吗?Shes a bit/a little afraid of the teacher. (形容词) 她有点怕老师。Her mother feels a bit /a little better today.(比较级) 她母亲今天感觉好一些。(2)不同之处:1) a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,而a bit修饰不可数名词时,只能用a b

10、it of。例如:Tom has a little money. / Tom has a bit of money.汤姆有一点钱。2) a bit和a little与not连用时,意思大相径庭。not a bitnot at all,意为“一点也不”;not a littlevery much,意为“十分”、“相当”、“极其”。例如:He is not a bit tired. 他一点不累。He is not a little tired. 他很累。9. enough enough是形容词,意为“充足的,充分的,足够的”,可修饰可数名词与不可数名词,放在名词的前面或后面。例如: One hou

11、r is enough. 一小时足够了。 I have enough time to watch TV. 我有足够的时间看电视。 We have got enough desks for the new students. 我们为新同学准备了足够的课桌。【拓展】 enough还可作副词,意为“足够地”,常修饰形容词或副词,这时enough需放在所修饰的形容词或副词后面。例如: The young man is strong enough to carry the heavy bag. 那个年轻人足够强壮能搬动重包。 Our classroom is big enough. 我们的教室足够大。

12、They work hard enough. 他们工作足够努力。词汇精练一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. He is very s_. He must see a doctor. 2. Students should do their h_ every day. 3. Lets have a r_. 4. Whats the m_ with you? 5. You have a cold. S_ home and have a good rest. 6. He is not here. He has a bad _(头痛). 7. He looks _(逗人喜爱的). 8. I

13、dont want to _(伤害) you. 9. Tom is _(十二) years old. 10. I wear _(眼镜). 二、英汉互译。1. 和一起玩_ 2. do ones homework_3. 听我说_ 4. wave ones hand_5. 有点,稍微_ 6. stand against/upon _7. have a cold_ 8. 待在家里_9. have a rest_ 10. look different_三、用have或has填空。1. The desk _ four legs.2. The school _ thirty classes.3. Do you _ an eraser?4. My teacher _ two big black eyes.5. What do they _?6. Su Jia and He Dong _ two chairs.7. Does she _ nice dress?8. She _ two eyes.9. He doesnt _ any hair.10. How is your mother today? She _ a stomachache.【参考答



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